1 Jan 2012


The Weather station is a voluntary, unfunded and amateur service located in Potten End.

Availability and accuracy of information and data on this website are not guaranteed and are subject to verification and amendment.

No liability is accepted for any errors or omissions in information or data contained in these pages, or in information or content accessed from the links within this site.

No responsibility is accepted for any loss or injury resulting from use of this website.

These pages are provided for personal interest only and any use made of it is entirely at your own risk.

Data and Service Limitations

The weather station is fully automated.

Failures, inacuracy and loss of data are likely but we do our best to patch-up hardware and fix software issues as soon as possible.

Precipitation is measured to the nearest 0.2 of a millimetre. Very light rain may not be measured at all. Thawing snow and ice will cause inaccurate readings.

About the Weather Station

The Weather Station is amateur, unfunded and located in Potten End, Hertfordshire, UK.

Data is published via the website, via RSS and occasionally via Twitter.

Data is sent to the Met Office and Weather Underground every five minutes.

This web site contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence.